Some lady cut in front of us and ordered like 40 Guinnesses (I wouldn’t even have been annoyed otherwise).

Read also:

Trying to open the door after my DoorDash arrives😍


My mom keeps buying food that I can't eat (without any substitution for me) when I'm dairy-free

What about it?

So, I'm not allergic to dairy, necessarily, but if I have a certain amount of it, I feel incredibly sick and my stomach starts bothering me. My mom bought cheese tortellini that she wants me to make for dinner, except I literally cannot eat cheese and there's not much other option for me.


First Facebook Marketplace Experience


The can is missing the pull tab

What about it?

The hungry cat is waiting



What about it?

It’s just so annoying to look at.


The joys of getting old

What about it?

Nothing says happy birthday like trying to sell me life insurance 😒


Downloaded something to watch on Disney Plus during a long flight, but do to having no internet the entire flight I couldn’t watch what I downloaded


Walmart confusing clearance tags

What about it?

This is the price tag and it’s matching item. No one working can explain what the orange box number is for and that the knife is $16. Does anyone know why this is??


I wanted a Chocolate Chip one (blue stripe on top)


The top review on Google Play for this AI drawing app
