Putzmeister logo beautifully create the initials P.M in a way that resembles elephant

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Benches is Bergamo Italy


A Barcelona Chair and Ottoman in my house.


Moby Dick negative space M that depicts a harpoon and a whale tail made by Alex Johnson in 2014


Stairs inside Glasgow City Chambers


Jelly not setting up

What about it?

So I made a match of jelly and it didn’t set. I tried re-processing it by adding more pectin and it still didn’t set. What am I doing wrong? I’m boiling the pectin at a hard boil for 1 min. Can I re process it again? Will that be too much pectin? Should I add more sure since it’s losing its sweetness and becoming too tart? I’m hoping it’s not a loss because I don’t want to waste it. I have 10 8oz jars.


Our new layer hens are in that awkward teenager phase!


Can anyone please tell me what breed of chicken this is?


Sweet Mock Orange

What about it?

We bought two sweet mock orange from Arbor Day. But one seems to be budding. Is the weather here in New England messing with it or did I not get sweet mock orange?


There appears to be Currawong plotting going on under my KiwiFruit bush. As this is Australia, they are probably planning my demise (as well as eating my fruit).


I just rescued these 3 males to see if they can help with my duckweed pond problem. Any tips to keep them from leaving the pond, besides clipping their wings?
