18 years ago, it didn't seem like anything surprising. Installing the game with six CDs, those were the days!

Read also:

just finished Sable. Chill and relaxing music and game play. there is no combat but there is much to do and explore. Visuals are very interesting , feels like 2D and 3D at the same time while having good colors . there are parts where there is a bit of glitch but it doesn't take you out of it. 8/10


October ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Artorias The Abysswalker!!


I love pokemon but Terriermon from Digimon might be one of the best mon designs out there- some fan art by me


Rate my taste in video games


Starting to understand the appeal of Twitch streaming


I think this the wrong imperial Empire....

What about it?

This is a mod called Skyrim wars


Thought I'd shake things up and share my top 10 favorite Strategy games


My Bloodborne painting, Lady Maria done with acrylics.


Ubisoft needs FC7 to more like Blood Dragon.

What about it?

So ive heard rumors that FC7 might take place in Korea, and while I think that would be cool, id love to see Farcry go full blood dragon on a main line game. Whether its a full follow up to Blood Dragon, Farcry: Turok edition, Farcrys that take place in the past (More stuff like primal) or alternate history. (But I guess we are gonna get Farcry: Avatar Edition soon) Thoughts on where you would like to see the franchise go?
