1 y

Inflation Rule

Read also:
1 y

Sheet rule

1 y

alignment rule


Small iron cabinet, with gilded scenery. Japan, Meiji period, 1880 [3300x4000]


The Persian poet Saadi depicted as a "Chinese monk", actually wearing government official's robes. Illustration from a copy of the Falnama, the Book of Omens. Turkey, Ottoman Empire, 17th century [1090x1600]


The first known example of a Valentine's Day loveletter in English with the recipient called a 'valentine'. Margery Paston, writing to her fiancé, John Paston in 1477, starts: "Right reverent and worshipful and my right well-beloved valentine, I recommend me unto you full heartedly" [3708 × 1758]


Rosary made out of camp bread in Auschwitz concentration camp by Polish pianist Franciszka Studzińska between 1942 and 1943. She perished in the camp in April 1943. In collection of Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. [665x1000]


Dome of Saint Francis the great, Madrid [6000x4000]

What about it?

Rhe dome of Saint Francis the great is among the largest in the Christian world with a diameter of 33m. The church is also well known for Its fantastic art gallery.


Faces of El turuñuelo, archaelogical museum of Alcala (temporary exposition), Spain [2992×4000]

What about it?

The faces of el turuñuelo are THE big news in spanish archaelogy rn. They're the first tartessian face scultures we've found. They were found this year in casas del Turuñuelo.


A photo I took from my recent visit to the “Throne Room” at Knossos. [4032 x 3024]

What about it?

I use Throne Room loosely because most likely it wasn’t a “throne room” but it’s believed it could have been a place for some sort of religious ceremonies?


A copper ornament with turquoise-inlay. Shang dynasty, 1600-1046 BC [1024x683]
