This swastika

What about it?

I saw this boy on the tram and I spent a few seconds looking at his thigh until I realized that the swastika was broken. I guess it's an anti-Nazi symbol, but wearing shorts only shows the swastika and I almost got up to another seat

Read also:

A plethora of shitty drunk tattoos


Yet, I am learning. . . Probably


My Dr.Pepper tattoo (with a top hat)


Is it a shitty frog?


Immediate blow out

What about it?

Hi All! Mom was very excited to get a simple line drawing tat of a cross on the inside of her wrist. Blew out immediately, artist said there was nothing she could do. We are wondering if this happened due to proximity to radial veins? Is it possible to fix this? She is thinking she could do a larger Celtic style cross, but doesn't want to exacerbate the issue. Thanks for any advice!


I hate the 'artist' who did this.


Got this bad boy when I was 19


I love tboi, but this just looks bad


Shitty octopus


Another masterpiece for your enjoyment.

What about it?

~19yo, over 10y ago. Under the influence of benzos and cannabis(at least that what I tell myself). "Artist" was a mongoloid methhead. This was done in his bedroom at his grandma's house. Not at all what I wanted. Btw my daughter thinks the handcuff is a chicken. That is all.
