Adding a second sump pump.

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The little 1/3 HP pump I currently have keeps getting overwhelmed (quite badly), I want to add a more powerful secondary pump.The second pump I want to add needs a 2" discharge pipe (as opposed to the 1.5" in the pic). I've thought of a few ways to go about it but I was wondering if there's an obvious option that you guys know of. Replace the 4" wye with a double wye? How would I go about removing the old fitting? Thanks!

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Water dripping from underneath out of faucet screws

What about it?

Hey guys, not a plumber at all but my mom's sink is leaking so I'm playing the part. Looks like we've got these screws here holding the faucet from underneath, the sink is one of those shitty porcelain ones you have to get behind to work on. I'm gonna just take stuff apart and see if anything looks messed up, but I'm curious if anyone experienced here knows right away from that symptom. Water drips down from the heads of these 2 screws


How is this thing called?

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It leaks and I don’t know how it is called to replace it. I replaced the other thing in the background I’m the past but it’s the first time I see some sort of device on the drain hole instead of just cover


Outside shower. Just another wonderful part of plumbing.


Kraus filter faucet connector

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I’ve installed a Kraus single handle filtration faucet (KFF-161 and I’m looking for advice on under sink filters that are compatible. Is the filtered water inlet to the faucet (pictured) a standard type of fitting? I’m wondering if I’m stuck with the Kraus filter setup as well.


Can I put my pipe in this hole?

What about it?

I want to drain my dehumidifier through my laundry water port in the wall however, there is already a copper pipe there. Can i just make a hole and put my hose in the here? For context this is in the basement, and there is a laundry machine on the floor above


Septic Field Pooling

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I just noticed this a couple days ago. What could be the issue? Cleanout is the black thing at top of photo.


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