Need you creative minds to help me

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So, Homer, please feel free to tell us anything. There's no judgment here. The other day, I was so desperate for a beer, I snuck into the football stadium and ate the dirt under the bleachers. I cast thee out!


It's been 13 years since Lisa's wedding.


She keeps a fiIthy house and taIks profaneIy. She's the Queen of the Harpies! Here's your crown, Your Majesty!


My screensaver on my computer inspired by Homer’s wall at his job


August 1, 2010. Lisa Simpson was supposed to marry Hugh Parkfield, before an unfortunate dispute over pig cufflinks caused the wedding to be called off.


Does “Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk” get carried by the Land of Chocolate or is it great on its own?


My name is Barney, and I'm an alcoholic.


With the huge judgment awarded to Chester Lampwick, Hutz screwed himself


Ahh…Nothing beats a good porno movie


Favorite future episodes? Here's mine:

What about it?

These are my favorite futures for Bart and Lisa. Lisa gets burnt out from a life of needing to be a perfect student and decides not to go to college, but still ends up with a incredibly successful future. In Barthood it shows Bart's connection with Abe, and later becoming a graffiti artist. I hate new Simpsons for the most part but these episodes really felt like they perfectly portrayed the siblings' lives.
