So that makes 18 quarts of beef stew and a few jars of oven roasted tomatoes from the garden before they are too far gone for anything.

Read also:

Honey Lollipops/ Hot Tea Stir Sticks

What about it?

I'm trying to make my honey go further than just selling raw honey. I've lost 3 of my 5 hives so I'm trying to find new ways to use my honey and sell some too. Ingredients: 2 cups sugar, 1/3 cup light corn syrup, 1/3 cup honey, 3/4 cup water. Instructions: combine all ingredients in a large pot on medium high heat, stir just until dissolved and then don't stir again. Use a candy thermometer and heat mix to 300⁰ (approximately 20 minutes) then pour into molds. Honey will scorch once it heats passed 300 so watch it close.


Am I crazy or would this shed be better off as a henhouse?

What about it?

I bought the house completely furnished late last year. This shed is full of stuff that I’ve barely touched. Occasionally I’ll go out to find a tool and have one handy. I keep a few things in here like boxes for the chickens during hurricane season (I bought massive Rubbermaid tubs, cut the center of the lids out and replaced with chicken wire so I can bring them in for bad storms). I’m generally not utilizing this shed very effectively though. I currently have a TSC coop (their $599 setup for 8-10 hens) I have ten hens and honestly it’s barely cutting the mustard for my family, we eat a lot of eggs. The hens are cramped and it only works because they free range from sunup to sundown. My family says I’d be crazy to do this (rude) and that I can never fix it back into a shed if I make it a coop (true) and that the storage space I own here is like gold, that I must use it for storing……. Stuff. But I want to store chickens. I’d have enough room to keep enough hens that I could sell eggs on the side to balance costs. I could also set up a run by setting cemented poles and running a sturdy wire fencing up to the roof and out. I know it will permanently change my backyard. But I’m not planning on selling anytime soon. I’m in the county, there’s no chicken limit out here. Buying a new coop is out of the question right now. I have the materials on hand to convert- add ventilation, create doors, create roost bars and nest boxes. I’m a single parent with almost nothing left over when bills are paid so buying new storage (for stuff or chickens) is not an option at this time.


Homestead humor, shared with me on telegram.


Is anyone interested in having someone look after their homestead while they go on vacation?

What about it?

Icelandic horses for attention. Just testing the waters. We are a family of 3 who travel about half the year. I work full time online so this would be more of a hobby/stay for me. I'm a homeowner and I have done this sort of arrangement before. If anyone is interested let me know. I have a profile on trusted house sitters and if you seem legit I will share my social media with you. Thanks


Delighted that the hens have started laying again.


Our herd/flock

What about it?

The turkeys are not in this picture but this has all of our ruminants in the same image. We have a steer, goats and sheep. And of course our guardian Lunacy (Luna)


Pack it up guys! We’re getting rich on “tomatoes”


Why not do it yourself?

What about it?

So I didn’t really find any great rabbit breeding Log books to keep track of my litters and ages and I know you could do it on a computer but I wanted something that didnt need batteries or WiFi when I was out at the hutch. So I made and published my own log book for rabbit breeding! If you had this same problem check it out and please let me know what you think!


How to use my broken Pool

What about it?

Our pool is MAYBE halfway full. It’s got frogs and turtles living in it. What can I do with this? I don’t have any money to spend. We probably won’t be able to fix the pool for another 2-3 years. It has a shallow and deep in. Can I scoop organic green matter out of it and use as compost/fertilizer? Can I put aquatic plants in it to help oxygenate the water? I don’t want to put fish in it. 😂 I’ve tried to talk my husband into getting some ducks and putting in a little bubbler, but he said no. Thanks, y’all! It’s a bit of an eyesore, but I actually LOVE my “abandoned” pool and the sounds of the frogs.


Feral Pigs, I am ready for you on the North side of the property today. Short or long range. Pick your poison.
