Makeover of the cozy book nook complete 🐮

Read also:

My favorite nook at home.


What am I missing here?

What about it?

Why does the unequipped item show a positive(green) change, even though it's worse? Am I missing something and just having a brain fart?


Which is better?


Diablo noob. Which bow is better?

What about it?

Hello. This is my highest tier character. Playing casually but idk which now is better. My power drops significantly with the 800 level bow because the dex affix. But if I hit a dex roll enchanting the 800 is that bow significantly better even without it? The difference in power is about 600. Thanks for the help!


Is the crossbow on the right an upgrade despite weapon dps loss?

What about it?

Barrage rogue, also does anyone know of any tools on the internet to load your characters gear to compare new gear to? Thanks in advancr


"Only" ~15 million gold in rerolls. Keep Energy Cooldown or go for more DR?


Why the different water levels?

What about it?

My beans were prepped as uniformly as I could and this is very different than last night. Last nights raw pack batch was very uniformed when done. This hot packed batch though looked uniformed after prep, looks all sorts of inconsistent and I’m wondering about safety and if anyone has any tips or tricks.


As long as we’re posting views…

What about it?

Sunrise (behind) onto the full moon and the Zuni mountains in New Mexico. Tbh, cropped out below is Interstate-40 and old Route 66, but this is still a great view.


New chainsaw ❤️


We finally having laying hens!
