I(23F)was invited to a family wedding, my dad(40m) threatened to "bash me & my dates head in to the street" if I showed up...b/c my date is Haitian...

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As the title says, March of 2023 I was invited to my Dad's sisters wedding. My dad's sister was ok that my date is Black...my dad was not, he said I was bringing unnecessary drama to the wedding & going to ruin his sisters wedding. He then told me he would smash our skulls in to the pavement if I arrived w/ my date on my arm (this date is a friend of 5 years). I told him he will not touch either of us, & he was not allowed to threaten me. Apparently it is isn't a threat according to him. Tidbit this is the last time my father & I spoke up until today (see the post I submitted prior to this). This was in March of 2023. Also my father is illiterate & primarily texts via voice to text which is why it's so choppy.

Read also:

Harvard = Uber Driver

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Was getting my PhD but was more interested in research in another lab at Harvard. (There was some drama in Maine) Since I was little he has been pushing me to go, but now the goal posts have changed yet again. I didn’t realize following your passion and research interests would mean I won’t get my degree.


Just had an insane chat with my mother! Thinking of just not openjng the door for her when she comes


When I ask my mom not to let my son paint inside…

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FYI she is fine btw, she is trying lay a guilt trip. The whole dining room table/chairs and floor was covered in paint that won’t come up.


this is one of my former classmates. this is his second kid and he's always posting stuff like this.


The audacity to slap your own child and text your husband about it

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I'm done with her abuse and cutting all contact with her when I turn 18.


When I go to school:


All of this over me suggesting I might not vote for his guy.


Things my mom shares on Facebook 😒

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It’s VERY tempting to comment on the posts but that would probably be counterproductive and only cause more problems. She constantly talks behind my back about me and is all smiles to my face. Anything I talk to her about, she twists around and tells other people I said something completely different. Vise versa as well. I’ve heard her say a LOT of stuff about my bother to the point where I don’t know what to believe or who to trust. She makes me question if I’m in the wrong for literally anything. Like I actually feel bad for asking her to use my preferred pronouns and name. (Screenshots from transphobic convo in my previous post) (I’m 24 FTM transgender and she is VERY transphobic. Well, she says she isn’t. She just “doesn’t agree” with it.) She wonders why I don’t come to her to talk about issues or anything. 🤔


Just got disowned by my mom

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I’m 25F and I moved out three years ago from my mom’s house because she is controlling and mean. I’m going to visit a city about an hour away from my home city. My mom wanted to come over to my apartment but she’s really judgmental and I know she’d criticize everything. Nothing is clean enough for her or organized well or decorated well because it’s not her way of doing things. I told her she couldn’t come over but she kept insisting so instead we made plans to meet in the morning before work to see each other before my trip at the transit station. I woke up early to get ready and meet her but she disowned me. Even when she gets her way and gets to see me, it’s not good enough if it’s not exactly what she demands. She expects me to come over every weekend and sleep over. She’s been nagging me for 3 years to move back home and doesn’t listen when I say no.


3 months of painful vomit-inducing upper stomach problems, it's been pretty bad today and i got this text out of the blue from my sister, apparently 'vaccines' in mcdonalds food (which i eat like once a week) is causing my problems, i was healthier pre-pandemic when i ate mcdonalds everyday!
