A grown man acting like this if he doesn't have his way. Do I respond?

What about it?

I'm certain that my parents are some sort of narcissist abusers but they're not diagnosed. I notice this type of complaining happens when he isn't in control of the relationship, or wants more attention. I'm trying to keep a good relationship with this person, but after a not so good childhood (to say the least, it was enabling & physical abuse) and now constant hoovering and helicoptering now that I'm over 18, I doubt this is going to last.

Read also:

Just go to the hospital! I already feel bad for this child.


I used some shredded cheese

What about it?

I’m also on workers comp still paying her rent


just one example of what i deal with

What about it?

Every time i say anything she doesn’t ‘like’ she sends me a text telling me i’m ungrateful, disrespectful, etc. i apparently take her for granted, for what i don’t know. for context, i live with my parents. i’m in college full time. I wash dishes, clothes, all of the towels, i clean the kitchen, the bathrooms, the living room. everything. She literally only cooks meals, and lately i’ve even been doing that. i’m overwhelmed with classes and told her i didn’t feel like washing the dishes. and then i told her she could help me put the animals to bed for their nightly routine but she was ‘eating the house’ something we JOKE ABOUT constantly. apparently it’s suddenly not okay to say though.


one of a thousand emails from my father, accusing me of replacing my family with doubles as a 13 year old

What about it?

My dad has some kind of paranoid schizophrenia, induced by drug use, as well as god-rivaling levels of narcissism. We’ve been out of touch for a while due to his threats to my life, but he has my college email and often reaches out when he’s not in jail. From the ages of 10-14, he accused me of having sex with my mother and sisters, being a actor/double/replacement of my original self, and orchestrating a Truman Show-like reality focused on him. I can’t begin to describe the psychological harm I took on in the process of trying to convince him that I would never hurt him, since he’s my dad, and that the whole world is not out to get him, and that I was innocent of all of his disgusting accusations. I did everything I could to help the family. I sold my calculator to get us train tickets after we lost another apartment at 14. I worked two jobs since I was a sophomore to help out. I was always there to help him earn money, legal or not. After years of homelessness, abuse, being held hostage during drug binges, losing all of my little property or having it destroyed, and being made into a scapegoat for all of his issues, I got a nice scholarship from an Ivy League school that has a reputation for helping out smart kids in shitty circumstances, and was able to escape it all for good (of course pops took credit for my achievement lmao). I don’t really have a moral for this post, other than to say that it’s in the rear view mirror and to hold myself accountable in not contacting him ever again. I also just really want to vent to someone because my entire life has been pretty insane and shitty (not to be a pessimist, I have a girlfriend who loves me and have found beauty in the world), and these weird circumstances have hurt me in a lot of ways that the successful, loved people around me can never understand. I’m hoping to grow beyond it and somehow be better for it, because I don’t want to get a shit deal out of life despite the hand I was given. I’m sorry if this is all rambling or if I had typos, I’m not sober at the moment. I love you all and thank you for sharing your fucked up lives so I feel a little more normal.


The day that I left.




I didn’t text back for 12 minutes.

What about it?

I called her after getting this and she was slurring her words and throwing around that she’d pay me to hang out with her “because I’m cooler than her”


I haven't spoken to my dad in months & this morning he sparked up a conversation about politics....

What about it?

So for context I(23F) haven't spoken to my abusive father(40M) in months. He relapsed in his addiction & I want nothing to do with that. Today he messaged me out of the blue a video of Donald Trump dancing w/ the caption "Send this to a Democrat to ruin their day". I messaged back that I don't claim any political affiliation, I just believe in human rights. He tried to say there has been & are no human rights violations in America. I shared my perspective on free education & healthcare, he got aggressive & so did I. He is genuinely illiterate to an extent as you can see. His comments are in refrence to the fact that I can no longer work due to having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & the comorbidies that have developed. Those who have Ehlers-Danlos or know about know that there is ample evidence to the condition. My doctors have even offered to speak with him. He refuses to believe me. The relative he's referencing is my grandmother who has a severe case of Munchausens by Proxy Syndrome.


I(23F)was invited to a family wedding, my dad(40m) threatened to "bash me & my dates head in to the street" if I showed up...b/c my date is Haitian...

What about it?

As the title says, March of 2023 I was invited to my Dad's sisters wedding. My dad's sister was ok that my date is Black...my dad was not, he said I was bringing unnecessary drama to the wedding & going to ruin his sisters wedding. He then told me he would smash our skulls in to the pavement if I arrived w/ my date on my arm (this date is a friend of 5 years). I told him he will not touch either of us, & he was not allowed to threaten me. Apparently it is isn't a threat according to him. Tidbit this is the last time my father & I spoke up until today (see the post I submitted prior to this). This was in March of 2023. Also my father is illiterate & primarily texts via voice to text which is why it's so choppy.


Harvard = Uber Driver

What about it?

Was getting my PhD but was more interested in research in another lab at Harvard. (There was some drama in Maine) Since I was little he has been pushing me to go, but now the goal posts have changed yet again. I didn’t realize following your passion and research interests would mean I won’t get my degree.
