Natural creek, Guilford County National Military Park, Greensboro, NC USA [OC] [1000x1500]

Read also:

Isle Royale National Park, MI [OC][4032 × 2268]


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A “Mother of the Bride sympathy party” because she doesn't get to control every aspect of her daughter's wedding.


Insane in a different way.

What about it?

With all we read about insane parents, I thought I'd be fun to share insane in a different way. I'm not feeling well, having caught a head cold from my Dad, and well, this is the convo with my Mom. Enjoy.


My mother ladies, theys and gentlemen

What about it?

Name that’s blocked out is my fiancé


Why would you call your small son your HANDSOME LOVER? There's no world in which that's not weird


I feel like I’m in a abusive relationship with my mom (trauma dump below) the last text is about my fiancés dead mother.

What about it?

I have a lot of trauma when it comes to my mother. My first bully, my biggest bully. My parents are both pill addicts, they would hide pill bottles from each other in the house. My mother made a game where I would find my dads pills and bring them to her, she would tell me good job and then they would fight. I remember going into elementary school and thinking, “no one can hurt my feelings, my mother does” It’s ironic because she’s always wanted a daughter, I’m her second kid and only daughter. I think when I began 1st grade she started to realize I wasn’t as smart as my older brother. I had obvious learning disabilities at a young age, but my mother would insist I understood, but I “couldn’t comprehend” in her words. She would abuse me often while doing homework, the kind of slaps that leave a entire hand print raised up. Hair pulling so strong it would leave bumps on my head and would be painful to move my hair. Slamming my head against the wall until my nose bled. When she was in a rage from her Xanax binge, she would beat me so much and put her hands on my mouth to stop crying. My nose being so stuffed from crying I remember I couldn’t breathe out of it while she had her hands over my mouth. I remember her pushing me up against the corner wall with her hands to my mouth as she’s in my face doing a butt lip growl with spit going in my face as she’s yelling. I can still picture her face as she almost enjoyed watching me be scared of her, like the way a lion looks at it’s prey while on top about to bite. My dad would come home and say he heard me screaming from 2 blocks down. I remember the exact day the beatings stopped. We were at Best Buy and she raised her hand and I flinched people looked and I think she got embarrassed. I’m now 20 moved across the country 18 years of pure hell living in that house. I just don’t understand how a mother who always wanted a daughter can turn to be so evil Also did I mention my mother hasn’t had a job in over 30 years and all she does is complain about how poor we are and she’s so selfless, my father working full time but he’s a gambling addict so all of his money goes into my mothers name because he can’t control himself.


update to my last post here. I asked my mum what was going on and this is her response. im so tired man

What about it?

"many points that dont make sense" shes just going to go through every word of the message i sent her and tell me exactly why im wrong and crazy isnt she. it baffles me how she can read what i wrote and instead of worrying about all the harm shes let her child go through shes just focused on correcting me and proving me wrong


My parents keep letting my indoor cat outside

What about it?

A few months ago my parents agreed to let me get a Rag-doll cat under the conditions that l'd take care for it and take full responsibility for. I've was fully on board with taking care of the cat and keeping it all to myself. If you don't know, Rag-doll cats are a breed of strictly indoor cats. They are very affectionate and docile, but this makes them very vulnerable to encountering other outdoor animals, hence making them preferred indoor pets. For me, this would mean keeping constant tabs on my cat and making sure our doors were always closed so she wouldn't run out. Apparently my parents didn't fully read that particular fine print about them (or they just don't care). They keep leaving our back door open and letting the cat out to explore the backyard. I keep warning them that it wasn't a good idea an my cat might escape. Today my cat escaped out of our backyard and found her way into our neighbours yard (they have a dog). Fortunately she has an AirTag on her collar and a sound we can play to find her. Me and my mom trespassed into the neighbours yard and found my cat. Fortunately she didn't get far this time, but it shows that she can get out of our yard and get lost. I scolded my parents for letting the cat out but they didn't seem to care at all. They threatened to get rid of my cat if she wouldn't be trained as an outdoor cat. They label me as being cruel for trying to keep her inside. Anything I show them to prove that Rag dolls are indoor cats, my parents just brush it off like anyone who agrees doesn't know what they're talking about. My parents see my cat sometimes swat at our two dogs and they use that as evidence that she can defend herself from anything if she gets out. No matter what I say or show them, they always gaslight me to think I'm the irresponsible one.
