You actually can make Fantastic Four (2025) because the film isn’t out yet, so that would avoid major legal issues

Read also:

The movie Pulp Fiction (1994) was named such by Quentin Tarantino to enforce the point that the movie didn’t happen.


In ‘Fant4tastic’ (2015), producers wanted the director to pay homage to the original movies. That’s why Kate Mara is literally wearing the same shitty wig Jessica Alba wore in 2005.


Tropic Thunder (2008) is a movie, I known this because this sub won't shut the fuck up about it


It can


There is a popular theory that claims the visuals from the movie The Wizard of Oz (1939) sync up nearly perfectly when played simultaneously with audio from the movie The Wizard of Oz (1939).


John Olivers first flim made -$20million (-$5 morbillion), I don't even know what cirlce jerk we're on anymore


Why is Kg1 a blunder? And why is Bxh3 brilliant?

What about it?

Engine was completely fine with me doing gxh3 after that, and once the Knight and Bishop are gone, I can just go Qe2 and my king can run away and is perfectly safe? Bring rooks over to pressure blacks King and I should be fine and up a bishop? Before Kg3, I was +1.9.


why was this move brilliant?

What about it?

It results in loosing my knight - he could have taken it the turn before anyway


I just got my first brilliant move!! I won with mate a few moves after this


The teamwork that went into trapping the Queen here
