Princeton university developed an ultracompact camera, comparable in size to a grain of salt, that overcomes the limitations of past micro-sized cameras. The technology called a metasurface a grid of 1.6 million cylindrical posts, each acting like an optical antenna. Credit: Brian Roemmele

Read also:

There's an entity out there! There's some kind of non-human intelligence that's living with us on this F**KING planet- Ex CIA Jim Semivan


“Physicists at MIT and elsewhere have for the first time discovered fractal-like patterns in a quantum material — a material that exhibits strange electronic or magnetic behavior, as a result of quantum, atomic-scale effects” We’re all interconnected, separation is an illusion


Scientists Can Now Use WiFi to See Through People's Walls


The Cube Within a Sphere said in the UFO hearing has also been seen in crop circles all across the world.


A newly built AI system has found a ‘potentially hazardous’ near-Earth asteroid that astronomers missed It's expected to pass within half the distance between Earth and the Moon


The Longest Equation in Physics


If these ETs are billion years more advanced than us, why would they need to enter into an "agreement" with the US Gov. in order to be able to abduct & experiment on humans?


Maybe all these alien news and videos and stories are all distractions from what's really going on

What about it?

While we are all looking at aliens footage for hours on days on months, maybe something else is happening behind the scenes that nobody is paying attention to. It just seems odd that all of the sudden there's all of this hype over aliens when stuff like fentanyl epidemic, covid vax deaths, political money bribes, court hearings, inflation hikes, cost of living craziness, etc. are all kind of put to the side while we watch the latest episode of predator vs aliens in the Peru jungles. Am I wrong?


Charon, Pluto’s largest moon captured in infrared by NASA’s New Horizons craft


Statement from David Grusch. I will be interviewed on @ChrisCuomo on @NewsNation about this breaking story at 8pm ET. Incredible that a malicious leaker thinks it might be beneficial to their efforts to try to discredit an American patriot by leaking his struggle with PTSD.
