Spaghetti junction for cables. Hanoi, Vietnam

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What about it?

Was browsing apartments and this was a realtor shot 😳


ADA compliant, accessible humane design (Tampa Bay, Florida)


Post Soviet Building’s In Russia


Le vele, Scampia , Italy


Somewhere in Philly

What about it?

This area is getting redeveloped and made nice very fast but in the meantime it’s still quite hellish


No windows


Bike path in the middle of a highway. Canto do Buriti to Teresina - Piaui, Brazil


432 Sixth St, Niagara Falls, New York. Randomly caught fire on Wednesday, July 26th, and was completely gutted.

What about it?

Some background on the home: Fire crews responded to this address at 10:30 PM, and they were forced to initiate a defense attack on the structure due to the intense heat and smoke. It was also a rainy night on the 26th. Damp wood does not burn very quickly, which leads me to believe that it was arson, possibly intensified by some kind of accelerant. According to the local newspaper, the house was owned by a Canadian resident and was completely vacant, and used by squatters. The neighbors told the NFPD that a dude had been regularly coming in and out of the house for a week or so prior the fire. Really pisses me off that a once great city is starting to look like New York’s equivalent of Detroit.


The Neue Elbbrücke Bridge in Hamburg. The original design was completed in 1887 and featured two wonderful Gothic gateways, torn down in 1959 to add an additional lane.


Abandoned luxury housing development, Shenyang, China
