Need help

What about it?

They have me scheduled from 10pm to 4pm but I’m only 17 how do I go about this do I actually come in and work the shift or do I clock in and clock out an hour before 4 anyone who had this problem know what to do?

Read also:



It's amazing how many entitled people take this sign as a suggestion.


How petty can you be? Tom Petty.

What about it?

Self-retired employee of barely 2 years here. I volunteer at a local house for intellectually disabled folks. They love candy and chips. They have their own money. So, I got and stock them up. This is easily 15+ transactions every time I go to the self check out. Knowing it's easier for me to just do it myself and because Wal-Mart has "Key Event Dates" I give 1 star for every transaction. I probably go 2-3 times a week to the same store. Wonder how their metrics are... hope them management bonuses feel it while they sucked your MyShare bonus away like that...


This made my night haha


December 31st worked too 😂


Why do people buy that stuff at Walmart anyways?




Walmart Has Officially Gone Too Far

What about it?

Ain't nobody paying for these. New #1 stolen item right here.


saw this at my store last night🤣


Bought this today

What about it?

I grabbed a soda and snack at checkout. When I opened it I noticed the Nutella was starting to separate, so I check the best by date.
