Has anyone ever seen an opening and endgame but no middlegame?

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Mate in 4 that I got today, white to move. Try it out!

What about it?

Pretty pleased with this mate that I found in game.


Probably the craziest check mate I had

What about it?

Guess my elo


Intresting M3. White to move. Any takers?


Why does engine gives you mistake moves while evaluation?

What about it?

I expect analisys to give me the best possible moves and to explain why they're best moves. Not the possible mistakes which can be made by me or my opponent. Analysis is correcting itself btw (you can see double bracket on screenshot).


This is probably the most embarrassing way i've been checkmated.


Reset the counter


In what world is taking a hanging pawn on my third turn a “great move”??

What about it?

Has “great move” always been this meaningless on chess.com? Btw I lost despite this genius pawn capture


My man really resigned with a +4 advantage smh

What about it?

In other news, my recent response to the London is astronomically bad, but somehow working at the 800 level.


Find mate in 2 for white


Did I do something?

What about it?

This made my opponent leave...I don't get it.
