Mom forgot my birthday

What about it?

That alone doesn’t make her insane, but it’s a pattern of neglect. In 2001, for example, when I was 19, I moved out to live with her because my life was falling apart. I was reaching out for help, and willing to go to therapy or whatever I could to improve my life. After a grueling drive half way across the country, I arrived almost broke, and because I had no money that I spent mostly on the trip, she put me in a homeless shelter. My last text from her is when I texted her on Mothers Day.

Read also:

lol why’d you ask


My grandma is in the ER and all my dad is thinking of is calling me.


My father whose in prison, has started texting me after I've been no contact for over a year.

What about it?

My father has been in prison for over ten years & insists on trying to keep in contact with me. I used to respond to his emails right after he got in, but as the years went on my life got busier, I got older & realized I shouldn't feel obligated to have to talk to him. I've had a rocky relationship with my father my whole life, & he chose to break our relationship with the choices he made when I was a child. For awhile I couldn't afford for to even buy the minutes to talk to him, which upset him & he accused me & god of punishing him with silence. In the past year I've gone non contact completely, due to him begging me for money yet again. I do not respond nor do I ever answer the phone, every email or voicemail is something religious & how he prays I'll talk to him & how much he misses me. I've told my sibling who has steady communication with him that I do not want him to contact me & I don't really want anything to do with him & he knows this. Per his last email which I read but didn't respond, he begged for money for his account & he would be calling soon & he prays I'll answer so we can discuss "things". He'll call me at least twice a day at random times everyday always leaving long voicemails praying for me & how if I could slip him some money for this or that. Now that I ignored his most recent phone call, I'm now receiving texts from him, & I have no clue how he's actually texting me. I've tried to cut contact by literally being non contact with him for over a year & he only gets updates about my life from my sibling now. But the texts are feeling a bit much & I'm starting feel overwhelmed by his constant communication attempts with me. Should I just block the number & continue ignoring him or should I respond to him myself & tell him again I don't want anything to do with him. If I do text him back it will be the first time I've spoken to him in over a year.


She’s at it again(this is the same person from my first post on this subreddit a few days ago)


My mom has been spreading lies about me for the past 11 years

What about it?

To start off, I’ve been no contact with her for over 2 years, my dad 1.5 and my brother 1 year. My family has always gaslit me and blamed any “disagreement” on the fact that I have PTSD. They are very transphobic, which is another reason I cut them off. I cut them off before I came out as trans masc, but my cousin informed me that my mom has been telling all the adults in the family (and others who will listen) that I have multiple personalities (DID) and that’s why they don’t believe I’m truly trans. Unfortunately, this makes a lot of sense. Some family have said they are “afraid” to talk to me and feel they have to “walk on eggshells” to not upset me. I took it as they are being kind to not trigger my PTSD, but other little comments now make sense. A lot of my extended family will also tell me to “get over my issues” and get back in contact with my immediate family, and I never listen. I blocked most of my family (with the exception of four cousins who are on my side) and I feel so deflated. No one wants to be no contact, and it hurts that the only family I had left is now gone. I knew my mom was insane, and would do and say whatever she could to make her look like the good guy, but this is a whole other level. She’s asked family and friends to “spy” for her and tell her anything I say, so she can keep tabs on me. I didn’t think it’d get worse than that. Any comfort or advise on how to make it not hurt so much is greatly appreciate.


Mom is mad that I didn't loan her 96 dollars that I forgot about (I only got paid 124 dollars this week)


I just wanted to know my blood type…


$1600 make up? SMH…


Off my road!


