Read also:

The nightmare scenario. Rachel Maddow warns that if Trump wins, it means he’s “probably president for life”.


Another day in the good ole US of A!


I'm heartbroken


Espionage @ Mar-a-lardo


I noticed that some Coles tickets have this “S” in the bottom corner and I have been curious of the meaning, does anyone happen to know?


Kill Death Live Forever

What about it?

Anyone seen these or know what it links to? Seen at arts precinct tram stop and can't scan the code


A bunch of office chairs on Rupert Street


Melbourne is the end the rainbow


Melbourne is becoming an ugly city.

What about it?

I have been in Melbourne my whole life and am only in my mid twenties but the amount of historical legacy and beautiful buildings I have seen torn down is a travesty. Just the other day I went into the city near St Paul's Cathedral and two beautiful old buildings have been demolished since I last went past a few weeks ago. Only the fronts of them remain to be incorporated into whatever souless building will take their place. The actual heart and soul of them is now rubble. A month ago a pretty unique looking building near an ex I had was also torn down. I remember a church over a century old was knocked down despite a series of protests that happened at the start of covid. Kew which is a pretty posh suburb I could never afford to live in is also not exempt from this. There was a Masonic Hall there constructed in 1940 with a plaque explaining its history that was torn down and turned into the most hideous flats you could ever see. There's an old business building from many decades ago only about 15 stories high which was somehow nice to look at. Its gone too. I can't even remember what it was called. Only recently there is this massive walled garden property that I saw this old, old person living in. They have clearly died and the place sold to the highest bidder and this poor old women's house had all its trees knocked down overnight and now the house is fully visible and now being leased out for 6 different rooms. I feel like as soon as the cost of living crisis begins to intensify it will be demolished as you could fit a pretty substantial tower block on that land. It feels no building is safe from being ripped apart just for the sake of short term profits instead of long term benefit of cultural heritage and beauty. Every year I walk through Melbourne I like it less and less and I find that saddening, as a kid it looked so much nicer. Hell prior to covid it looked so much nicer. The suburbs aren't even safe. I travel around the Eastern and Western suburns quite a bit and I see history knocked down regurlarly and replaced with these tacky, cheap looking modernist houses that look like they are included in parts of a kids plastic building set available to buy in Kmart. New suburbs being built exclusively look like this. They feel depressing to even drive through. When Sunshine begins to look like a more upbeat and aesthetically pleasing place to call home than newer suburbia projects you know something is wrong. I am Melbourne born and raised. I love it here, its the only home I've ever known. But I feel like my home is slowly being destroyed. Future generations won't be able to see the buildings and sights I got the privilege of seeing. Our arcitectural tradiditons and heritage will barely be visable between the streets of plastic and glass skyscrapers, tower blocks, crappy apartment buildings and cheap housing. Sometimes it makes me want to move away as witnessing it happening has become depressing to witness and I feel like the Melbourne I know is dying and in its place is a city indistinguisable from quite literally any other city. To highlight my frustration and present it better than I can here is a link to a Melbourne 90s punk band The Living End about Melbourne's slow destruction. If you don't know them they played at the 2016 Grand Final when the Doggies finally won.


Comments be like "this is Australia"
