Kinda proud of how cool this checkmate looks

Read also:

Position from my game, white to move

What about it?

My opponent was not able to find it


Find the mate in 5 right NOW


Another "what is the engine thinking" question

What about it?

I'm playing around with the London System and finding it really flexible and good for developing. I often land in this position where my opponent has allowed me to open up the h file and then castled on that side. Here I made the bishop h7 move, forcing king h8. My thinking was then to tempt the opponent into f6 so I could push my bishop back one space leading into the checkmate attack of rook h8. But the engine thinks otherwise, and has me withdrawing the bishop, and then putting it back again?? Is this just an odd quirk of the positional analysis?


Officially a thousand 🥳


Something poetic about this mate coming up


They didn't let me have the smothered mate

What about it?

This was a 5 minute blitz game and my opponent blundered a few of their pieces. I was yet to reach the satisfaction of the smothered mate that I frequently encounter while doing puzzles but it didn't happen.


am I focusing on rapid too much? should I catch up on bullet and blitz?


The wildest game I played so far


Just your average 400 ELO chess game


Fun mate in 3 I got today which I think would be a good puzzle.

What about it?

Would have posted this sequence from earlier in the game... I thought I had mate in 5 or 6 but after looking at the analysis turns out I didn't, worked out anyway though
