Why Can't I move my Pawn at E4 to attack the pawn at D5? I understand it may not be the best move just wondering why it won't let me do it.

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Found forced mate and was really proud, can you find it? (Stockfish has mate in 10 but for real people my level it's mate in 3)


When the game doesn’t finish


Best mate I've had in a while


Why do some people do this?

What about it?

After they hung their knight and I captured, they didn't resign or continue playing but instead just waited almost 5 minutes


White to Play and Gain a Good Amount of Material


There is a brilliant move for white here, can you find it?

What about it?

just finished playing this game, heres the full for anyone interested https://www.chess.com/live/game/87022804109 (yes im bad at time usage, im working on it)


Kinda proud of how cool this checkmate looks


Position from my game, white to move

What about it?

My opponent was not able to find it


Find the mate in 5 right NOW


Another "what is the engine thinking" question

What about it?

I'm playing around with the London System and finding it really flexible and good for developing. I often land in this position where my opponent has allowed me to open up the h file and then castled on that side. Here I made the bishop h7 move, forcing king h8. My thinking was then to tempt the opponent into f6 so I could push my bishop back one space leading into the checkmate attack of rook h8. But the engine thinks otherwise, and has me withdrawing the bishop, and then putting it back again?? Is this just an odd quirk of the positional analysis?
