Need help beating my math teacher who is also chess club representative

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I haven’t played chess that long maybe a year and a half and my ELO is only 535. I’m not that good I try my best but I made a deal with my teacher and I’m willing to learn everything I can to beat this man. We’re having a final duel he’s making it a big deal and announcing to all the classes. He’s a awesome teacher and very real and was roasting me the whole time the first time I played him in chess cause I wasn’t that great but not in a bad way. He said I wasn’t bad his elo is around 1000. He mostly plays bullet so he moves fast but we do rapid in favor of me. I have seen him play many people so I know his opening he does it mostly every time if not it’s similar to this I memorized it but only a couple moves in. He likes playing black while I play white. I want to know if it’s possible to beat him maybe within a month or a little later. I wish someone could train me but I don’t have much spending money. Any advice will be greatly helpful. Thank you so much to everyone reading this. Also I open on white with Roy Lopez opening so disregard the opening in white. But his opening is black.

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I missed this mate in 4. Do you see it?


First satisfying endgame

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I’m (white pieces) still pretty new at this, so this is really the first time I felt super in control of the end game. So satisfying to play out. 20.h3 Bd7 21.Nd5 Qxc2 22.Qe7+ Kg8 23.Qxd8+ Be8 24.Qxe8#


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Why do some people do this?

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After they hung their knight and I captured, they didn't resign or continue playing but instead just waited almost 5 minutes


White to Play and Gain a Good Amount of Material


There is a brilliant move for white here, can you find it?

What about it?

just finished playing this game, heres the full for anyone interested (yes im bad at time usage, im working on it)
