When you try to show your astute knowledge of how the bible is homophobic, then proceed to praise a verse stating that one shouldn't be cocky in their faith.

Read also:

Alpha guy is on a highway to prison


Yes, gender and sexuality is a social construct…


Conservative accidentally correctly genders Dylan Mulvaney


Aromantic Packaging


on a pro-trans post on twitter


I think this gay guy just said “real men” so that would mean cis and trans lol

What about it?

(Small rant) It’s really dumb that people keep mentioning biology. Even the LGBT community is splitting in half which is terrible. I understand the term gay means men liking men. And for women, women liking women. I understand it can get really wishwashy and complicated when you throw in trans or non binary people. I’ve always seen non binary as neutral to everyone like Asexual is. Saying trans is a gender identity and gay is romantic orientation. Understandable. I’ve never seen this “LGB vs the T” happening and why now? Yes they do mean two different things and go through different experiences. A ton of gay, bi, and lesbians are cis who won’t have to go through the issues of bathrooms, the sports are a massive issue or body dysphasia. I heard a trans women had an “advantage” over the other women so they kicked her. But we shouldn’t turn our backs on the trans community. It’s wrong. I think a ton of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people are getting used to being accepted for liking the same sex or male and female. How ironic that a ton of transphobia has been going on right now. And as time went on and we’re getting more accepted even by red wingers. I feel like a ton of us wants to dissociate with trans community because it could add additional problems, that would be tied to us, even though we wouldn’t have to go through them. I’ve seen a lot of comments in the gay man subreddits saying “is it transphonic to not date someone who says they’re a man but has a vagina/hasn’t transitioned.” Or “I wouldn’t date xyz because they’re trans.” It’s sad seeing people say they hate the term “cis” because they’re simply a woman, a normal biological women? And hearing a lesbian say that really shows how being “trans” could make you be seen as differently than another cis woman. I just hate the transphobia in the community. Trans people don’t deserve the hate. It’s really stupid and pathetic and I really hope a break up isn’t happening. I support and love the trans community, we need to unit and stay strong.


Not sure how this fits but they're right, I'm not a woman.


Transphobe thought he did something, but the lady in that "joke" is sweet

What about it?

Also, oop is referring to anyone who points out that this is pro-trans as "trophy receivers"


Doubling down on not knowing how words work or how fabric works.


