How to clean this shower floor? Last tenant left it dirty and yellowed

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White stain on wooden floor from water

Hey there, I was cleaning my wooden floor with water and a sponge (had couple of paint spots) and now it looks like this. Is there a way to fix it? Thanks


How to get rid of this if possible? From a extreamly burned pizza.


Shower Drain has bunny white stuff

My bathroom drain has this white bumpy stuff on it. I’ve tried different things to clean it but I can’t get it off. Anyone know what it is or what I can use to remove it?


How to Properly Clean/Restore Gas Stovetop

I have been struggling with this stovetop for years. I think the material is porcelain? I am not positive and can’t find a definitive answer. It was in pretty bad shape before I moved in and have spent hours removing years of built up grease, etc. but I can never get rid of this haze/streaky look, despite thoroughly cleaning and removing all product afterward. I’m at a loss and embarrassed because no matter what I do it always looks dirty. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Can this tarnish be scrubbed off?

In todays episode of landlord “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” can I make this hand towel holder look new again?


How should I go about cleaning this jute table runner? It’s been through a lot of spills & cat butt and could def use a cleaning.


Hash on white sweatshirt

I’ve tried oxyclean in the wash and rubbing alcohol on the stain. Any ideas? Thanks!!


Cleaning paint/glue stuck on glass

Many (20? 25?) years ago, my sister and I had a fun craft project where we made window decals out of some kind of glitter puff paint or maybe glitter mixed with Elmer's glue, and stuck them to my mom's living room window. See photo for the artistry. It's lived there since, on a window that gets several hours of direct sunlight every single day in the heat of central California. We've tried scraping it off with a razor without much luck. You'd think it would be brittle and flake off but no, it's basically melted and become one with the glass and is rock hard but somehow also rubbery and not something that can be cut into. My mom is trying to sell her house and if necessary we'll replace the whole window but would like to avoid that. Please help. Any suggestions? Should we try something like goo gone? Paint stripper? Something scratchy that won't mess up the glass? I have no idea where to begin.


Need help with white rubber sole

These are my wedding shoes and they’re in perfect condition other than this orange stain (which I think was doggie doo doo if that helps). How can I clean this orange color or fix it to be white again?


How do I clean my mousepad?
