Picky (13 yrs old) isn't feeling too well today.

Her arthritis is acting up today and her tummy isn't feeling good. We have a trip to the vet next week for a checkup. For now, she is resting.

Read also:

21 y/o Simon is not doing well and I’m so worried about him.

He had awful liquid diarrhea for a few days this week, and my regular vet was out of town so I took him to the urgent care vet yesterday. They gave him some subq fluids, and prescribed clavamox and probiotics. He seemed to be feeling a bit better after the fluids absorbed. He ate normally and seemed a little perkier all afternoon. Then I started him on the clavamox last night and gave another dose this morning. Since this morning, he has not wanted to eat, is extremely lethargic, and has only gotten up to drink a few times and to pee once. He has not pooped at all in almost 24 hours at this point so the diarrhea seems to have run its course. I looked up info about clavamox because I didn’t know anything about it, and found that all of these things are side effects, as is diarrhea. My question is why on earth would the vet give him this medicine to treat something that is specifically listed as a common side effect!? I do not understand this at all. I’ve decided not to give it to him tonight and see how he does overnight. I do have an appointment with his regular vet tomorrow and plan to have a full blood panel done. I’m just so distraught and wanted to vent, and also ask if anyone has any experience with clavamox. To top it off he is hyperthyroid and has lost a few ounces this week after doing really well and adding weight for the past 6 months on methimazole. I’m really upset about all of this and feel hopeless to do anything for him. 😥 Just looking for some good old kitty vibes I guess. I love him so much and do not want him to be uncomfortable in any way.


19yrs and 4 months!

There is nothing we wouldn’t do for her ❤️


Miss Hazy (15) and her big eyes still sleep next to my face every night


My elderly cat (white and seal, 18, F) has started to get the body guard treatment from my younger (Male, tuxedo,2) cat. My heart.


Where’s my cut? 18yo begger

He’s a begging for some chicken breast


Phoebe (17 yo)

I think she misses her sister. She’s been wanting more and more pets and I am happy to oblige. She’s so sweet and fluffy.


Izzy, 21 years


I miss this sweet girl (15) every day, but I wanted to share my favorite picture of her!

Rachel the Racoon was Hannah favorite snuggle buddy, AND she has a blep!


UPDATE: Phil(15) Found his forever home today! It's both a sad and joyous day. He will join another tuxedo senior adoptee in his new home. Our home won't be the same without you buddy.


so proper! (xya turned 12 this year 😁)
