Today is Mephisto's 19th birthday

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My emotional support calicos, DeeDee (8) in foreground and Mishka (19) in back. We could use some support.

My life has quickly gone to garbage in the last week. Last Wednesday, I found out I have a bedbug infestation in my apartment. Two days ago I was laid off from a job I really loved. The job market is terrible. And I have three kitty girls to take care of, two of whom are old ladies with health issues. I've got an exterminator on the apartment problem but everyone says how horrible/impossible they are to get rid of and I am applying for jobs. If you have any good energy to spare, please send it our way. Sweet kitty or other pet pics also very welcome. (Please no tales of how bed bugs ruined your life. I cannot handle that


My 19yr baby girl ❤️

Biweekly vet visit was great! Weight is up!


Advice about appetite stimulants (Pixie is 19)

I'm hoping for some advice about any appetite stimulants you have tried. Pixie is very skinny, and I have a feeling it may soon be time to say goodbye. She has hyperthyroidism and kidney disease and keeps dropping weight despite stable bloodwork. Her vet said the KD is causing her muscle mass to go away and also affects their appetite and mouth. Pixie really isn't interested in much food, and I have attempted just about every wet food and liquid treat and tried heating it up. We tried mirtazapine, which didn't work and make her howl and pace. We are now trying Elura, but it has a terrible vanilla flavor that Pixie drools out. I'm going to call the vet again tomorrow to talk about it, but has anyone tried another medication? I'm absolutely shattered and trying to give her chances, but I also do not want her to be miserable and hurting.


Sleep doesn’t count unless the feetsies touch (Alton James 18)


Jealous 16 year old? Doubt it . . .

Took his 19 year old mom to the vet today. Thankfully, brought her back home. He's been in the crate for the past two hours.


Boob celebrates her 17th birthday this week🫶


Mr. Charlie just turned 19 in July 💛


Kitsey Baba, 13, only has one canine tooth left and it tends to get stuck. She's a goblin.


Chelsea 19yrs and 4 months!

My heart and soul!


I went to the shelter and asked for the oldest cat they had. Meet 14-year old Picasso.
