My 13 year old boy, Frankie who still basically acts like a kitten

He looks sad but I promise he isn’t

Read also:

She's not quite,she's considered a senior cat 15 years old, but she's still super cute and loveable 🥰


19yr after 3 head kisses before work!

Her Dad works from home, so she is never alone for any length of time. She just wants cuddles and love ❤️


Update on 17 year old moo moo

I got moo moos test results and with some medication she will be fine! LONG LIVE MOO MOO! Link to my previous post.


Mia (13) my tripod girl, starts chemo today. Any advice?

Just want to give my girl the best quality of life possible (including keeping her younger pup sister from annoying her)!


Puff (16) meditates by the water bowl. Such wisdom.


I'm 16 years old and I'm turning on 17 after this year.Senior kitties deserve extra love! How do you take care of your senior cat? 🐈❤️


another photo of skeeter ‘mr gibbons’ at age 17 (or possibly 18)


Looking for guidance re: lymphoma diagnosis for Maya(15)

My sweet Maya (15) has lost 2.5 lbs in the past 2 months. After lots of tests, she has probable lymphoma after the vet saw a mass on her intestines and swollen lymph nodes nearby. She has also been previously diagnosed with kidney disease and has some kind of cyst on her liver. I am struggling watching her decline so quickly (hiding, not eating as much, weight loss), and I’m looking for advice based on the options our vet has given us. 1. Keep her comfortable with prednisone and a change in diet. We are continuing an appetite stimulant and pain medication as well. 2. Have her put under sedation again to biopsy the mass to know for sure if it’s lymphoma. If found to be cancerous, we could try chemo via pills 3x/wk. The vet also suggested an X-ray to fully determine if anything has spread. My reservations here are that she finds the vet traumatizing, and does not take pills well. Based on how fast she is declining, I am leaning toward just keeping her comfortable and spoiled as long as I can. It seems like regardless of what I decide to do, we don’t have much time left. Has anyone experienced something similar? Any advice, anecdotes, or comforting words are appreciated. She’s my very best friend, and I want to do what’s best for her.


My big-pawed senior citizen, Mr. Noop (16M), taking a nap


Saying goodbye to Poofy (14) tomorrow. She is so loved.

My sweet baby has been with me through my formative years, and now as we sit with my husband. We both love her so much and are devastated with the decision to have to put her down. Fluid around the lungs, heart and stomach, with suspected mass or congestive heart failure. She fought these last 3 years with high blood pressure that took part of her vision. She’s a trooper and I’m glad she won’t be in any more pain. Knowing I only have one more day hurts so much. I’m gonna try to make it her best day ever. Thanks for listening.
