does this mean anything?? drawn on my dirty car window

Read also:

So I stepped in to the garage and saw this...

I think we've got our ducks in a row.


This cashew with a note in my Planter’s cashews

Bought this back in 2015 in California. When I opened the can, this one cashew was strategically placed, it seemed, at the top of the can. Someone had carved “SAYANG” or “SAVANG” into it. Would be interesting to know what it means and why.


But why?


I was given a free keychain!

Why would anyone give away something like that as a promotional item?!


We call this the “witch tree”

I pass by this tree on my walks through the woods and have attempted to look up what the two symbols mean together and nothing. Hoping the power of Reddit can help with this weird one. My kids call this the “witch tree” and it is a little Blair Witchy for sure (they’re too young for to have seen the movie).


Someone left a Ouija Board at our Myrtle Beach hotel.

I know it's not the strangest thing ever but I have to admit I've never even considered bringing one of these on a beach trip.


"Grandma's Treat" Precious Moments Figurine Transformation


Found this weird spider...


“We Poked it, it retreated into its hole and squirted water at us”


Squint While Scrolling
