Would ya fuck off for one second Microsoft!

Read also:

Try and find the skip button


app want's you to enable notifications at every single launch


Xbox UI Updated, the screen is 50% of ads and the "My games" button was replaced with a Microsoft Store button.


Kroger changed the clear glass on refrigerators to displays full of ads and products they may not have in stock

Man I could really use a Gatorade! Kroger: **is out of stock** How about a nice Pepsi instead? What an obvious and completely senseless cash grab.


"Safely and easily" if you're an eagle


WASH-connect app for laundry machines charges your card 10, 15, 25, or 40 dollars when the machine cost 2.25 a use.

If I'm right, this means the lowest you could break even at would be 45 dollars. That means you have to wash & dry 10 times minimum to break even. (20 uses)


Tried to rewind a song on Amazon Music and I got this popup. Rewinding is now a paid feature? What?


Fake website to make it look like a Forbes article.

Last week it was a different fake official website logo, and the app name was different. Link to the full FAKE article. https://digitalinsightsblog.com/toronto-police-caught-a-man-with-565000-in-cash/


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Obviously I won’t put my real information but pretty scummy


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