Built in weather app just gave me an ad

Read also:

Would ya fuck off for one second Microsoft!


Try and find the skip button


app want's you to enable notifications at every single launch


Xbox UI Updated, the screen is 50% of ads and the "My games" button was replaced with a Microsoft Store button.


Kroger changed the clear glass on refrigerators to displays full of ads and products they may not have in stock

Man I could really use a Gatorade! Kroger: **is out of stock** How about a nice Pepsi instead? What an obvious and completely senseless cash grab.


"Safely and easily" if you're an eagle


WASH-connect app for laundry machines charges your card 10, 15, 25, or 40 dollars when the machine cost 2.25 a use.

If I'm right, this means the lowest you could break even at would be 45 dollars. That means you have to wash & dry 10 times minimum to break even. (20 uses)


Tried to rewind a song on Amazon Music and I got this popup. Rewinding is now a paid feature? What?


Fake website to make it look like a Forbes article.

Last week it was a different fake official website logo, and the app name was different. Link to the full FAKE article. https://digitalinsightsblog.com/toronto-police-caught-a-man-with-565000-in-cash/


Required personal info in order to unsubscribe from an email list

Obviously I won’t put my real information but pretty scummy
