Can anyone turn this photo into a high resolution image with better visible colours. I'll tip, thank you

Read also:

Can someone remove the guy on the left ? Will tip $10


Can someone remove the mask under my boyfriends chin and flatten the tshirt at his belly. He hates photos of himself so that would help. I would be happy to tip $10 but I don’t have PayPal because of fraud issues


This is the only photo my Mom has with both of her parents. Can someone please touch it up and remove the person on the left?


Any AiC fan that could try their best to make this final pic of Layne Staley alive holding his nephew look any better ? Can’t tip unfortunately so I understand if you don’t think it’s worth the time


Could someone change what my nephew is eating to something fun? Can't really tip so it doesn't have to be that good. Thank you in advance!


Can someone remove the thumb smudge and man in back - will tip first


Can someone crop out this girl and clean up the picture? Can’t really tip but might be able to if really good


Will I be more popular if I upload photos of me shopped with celebs in them for my dating profiles?


Please make my baby’s skin less red. I was using portrait mode on my iPhone and the lighting made her skin this color


Been watching this sub for a while and love what you all do. I finally have a request of my own. This is my uncle who was taken from us when I was a baby. Would love to give my aunt a cleaned up version. $15 to the best version. Thanks in advance.
