Is such confusing/unreadable plate legally allowed in Australia?

Was driving behind this car for at least 100 meters and we were waiting at a red light for about two minutes. It took me so much effort to even make sense what the plate read. It gave me headaches as it was also jittery and not easy to ignore. I cannot imagine what a person would do if they had to report a hit and run by this vehicle.

Read also:

Anyone seen a juvenile magpie playing dead before?

Flopped right over when the adult swooped in. Then got up and hopped on its merry way!


David Pope


HELP PLEASE: My last bottle of genuine Srirachi is almost done. Any good substitutes?


Butcherbird hunting insects in the back garden


Snake prevention pro tip:

Mix a cap of Phenyle (from Bunnings) with 2L of water & make a boundary line around your yard, repeat as necessary. I did this last season after a fun little incident with a brown & didn't see another one again. Lock up your animals until the smell is gone. Presto changeo, snake-be-gone!


Aussie as

Two kookas fighting over a skink and the peacemaker trying to break them up with the offering of a chip


$9 bottle of water at 7eleven

Mined from a glacier on Halley's Comet by Elon Musk himself.


A 'YES' or 'NO' on the Referendum 2023 ballot paper, not a tick or a cross which has been falsely reported


Any cricket fans out there know the signature per chance? Cheers.


Hide and Seek, toy photography
