I think these are Golden Chanterelles. Second opinions?

Read also:

Good mushroom photography?

Hi all, I am looking to improve my mushroom photography. Currently I’m just using an iPhone and I find it never focuses correctly on small things. Example above. What do you use to take good mushrooms pics? I’m a student so I don’t have a ton of money for an expensive camera but I’m willing to shop pawn stores and marketplace for a better camera.


Who is this cutie in our yard?


Wood ear harvest


Found this thing attached to a trashbag that has been submerged in stagnant water for a few weeks.

I live in Ohio, in Medina county if that helps at all. Unsure of if this is a fungus or something else. Posted in whatisthisthing and this was a recommended place to post.


Exploded Puffball?

At first looks I thought this was a puffball, then I thought it was some type of nest with broken eggs. Maybe it’s just an exploded puffball?


Fungi fruit with a view


Mushroom ID

Should I destroy or enjoy?


Anyone know what this unit is? Bernzomatic for scale


Any ideas what this is? Ottawa area, Canada

Found growing under my cucumbers.


Giant Puffball

Giant Puffball found in southwest Michigan.
