Shroom ID for my buddy who doesn't have reddit

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I forgot to take a picture of the top so this is a long shot but any idea what's growing in my chili plant pot?


Who’s this fella? In Southern KY

Was venturing out onto a trail hoping to find COTW after a bit of a rain but sadly nothing I saw this guy looked really cool! Any idea?


ID? Found in west Los Angeles


Is this fungus growing from my carpet/baseboard?

There was water damage a couple months ago and they replaced the underlay but didn’t want to replace the floorboards or carpet. I left the corner untouched because I was worried about water damage again.. then this showed up. Is this a mushroom, fungus, something like that???


Is this chicken of the woods?

Hey guys! I inoculated this log last year with chicken of the woods spores. The logs have been starting to grow whats in the picture. I’m having trouble finding pictures of the very early stages of chicken of the woods. I’m so curious - is this IT or something else?


I think these are Golden Chanterelles. Second opinions?


Good mushroom photography?

Hi all, I am looking to improve my mushroom photography. Currently I’m just using an iPhone and I find it never focuses correctly on small things. Example above. What do you use to take good mushrooms pics? I’m a student so I don’t have a ton of money for an expensive camera but I’m willing to shop pawn stores and marketplace for a better camera.


Who is this cutie in our yard?


Wood ear harvest


Found this thing attached to a trashbag that has been submerged in stagnant water for a few weeks.

I live in Ohio, in Medina county if that helps at all. Unsure of if this is a fungus or something else. Posted in whatisthisthing and this was a recommended place to post.
