Charles Branson at the Hollywood Unemployment office, 1961. From a newly discovered collection by one John Verzi (Story inside)

[LA Times story](

Read also:

Spanky and Alfalfa on the Hal Roach lot. 1935


The Zoot Suit. 1940's


Remembering when I had hair, on my head. Senior Prom 1975.


My Dad headed to Japan as a F-84 pilot during the Korean War


Rush - Signals Tour 1982

Early November 1982, on the fast track to turning 18, at grandma's drinking a Colt 45, and still very pumped that I had seen RUSH the night before at Market Square Arena (Indy).


My grandfather James McLendon, who wrote the book Eddie Macon's Run. It later became a movie of the same name, which stars Kirk Douglas and John Schneider. (1981)


Luther getting some well deserved support 1966


18 year old Dad in 1975

Apparently he was “high as shit” here.


Amy Winehouse 1999


I was born in the congo and lived there for 3 years, this is a pic of me with my pet monkey Hailey, circa 1990

my parents were missionaries in haiti and the congo and my sister and i were born in the congo ! so i spoke a mix of 3 languages (lingala, french, english) but not one entire one for a while before we moved to the states and i went to speech therapy to learn english better and because i couldn’t pronounce the letter R lol. I can now it’s very impressive jk. anyways i have more photos from Africa if you want to see !!
