Hurricane idelia help

So I offered help on fb for food, water, and ice to hurricane victims since we had power still (we are from florida) and a person on fb had the nerve to ask for giftcard for PlayStation lol this is a “kim there are people that are dying” moment

Read also:

Why do people suck?!

I follow this fishing page and today I see this and I don’t know why someone would ever do this?! 😡


The package I received from GameStop after requesting a refund (not a replacement) for being sent a used game, purchased as new. Yes, the returned game at least came in a box!


True story-if it would only come in🤣

If you look hard enough you could almost see something


Why even put it back in the fucking freezer


Just a little more information is all I want


School doesn't want to close due to hurricane

Hurricane Idalia is supposed to hit my area tomorrow, and as of 10 PM, we still don't have any updates passed this. I understand it's a tough desicion, but litterally every county around has shut down and the other community colleges have as well, but we still have nothing.


I have to fill a form to request the fast food app to not sell or share my information

It’s not news but it’s mildly infuriating to be reminded of it.


Got my Raspberry Pi the other day. Came in a bubble mailer and the box is all squished.


Finally got a response from my favorite author....

Late July or early August I sent a message through the contact form on my favorite author's new website. He's basically been gone from the internet for 10 years. Sent him a fairly long message (potentially the length of this post, but maybe shorter) about how much I've enjoyed his books, been reading him for almost 20 years, excited a new book is coming out, etc. Kind of lost hope I'd hear back from him, and the other day I received this email. A little annoyed that he called me Jeff (not my name). Then saw the original message he was responding to was an email sent to him on August 15 from some dude named Jeff. So, I replied to tell him that he somehow responded to the wrong person (also CCed Jeff). Still no response to my original message, or this one.


Taco Bell messed me up

Taco bell messed my order up. No big deal. I didn't ask but was given an expired coupon. Why bother.
