Serving size of a salad I ordered

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“Great” week

Got into my first accident yesterday. Other party wanted to offer up $500 for them blowing a stop sign. Then today my back bike tire went out. I am having a real good week.


Just paid $800 for my school "books"! It's loose leaf paper!


I broke a bowl and ordered 3 replacements from the maker. The product image is exactly what I had, but the bowls that showed up aren’t quite the same.


Thought I might download this today. Guess not.


Hurricane idelia help

So I offered help on fb for food, water, and ice to hurricane victims since we had power still (we are from florida) and a person on fb had the nerve to ask for giftcard for PlayStation lol this is a “kim there are people that are dying” moment


Why do people suck?!

I follow this fishing page and today I see this and I don’t know why someone would ever do this?! 😡


The package I received from GameStop after requesting a refund (not a replacement) for being sent a used game, purchased as new. Yes, the returned game at least came in a box!


True story-if it would only come in🤣

If you look hard enough you could almost see something


Why even put it back in the fucking freezer


Just a little more information is all I want
