I'm an HVAC guy. I gotta look at this every day.

Read also:

A starter pack for this sub


Batman + red light = perfection


This truck is blocking both the sidewalk and the entrance


Split screen coverage of the US Open is mildly infuriating

I see this more and more and it makes me want to watch tennis less and less. Pick a match a cover it FFS.


Sewing up a pair of pants I like, last needle.


Why can’t I just use the calendar???

I’m a college student who absolutely hates putting crap in their calendar. I don’t like using the iOS calendar app, it’s not appealing to look at and just annoys me in general. It also has a bunch of random things put in there that I either can’t take out or too lazy to do so. I decided to try to be productive (read: I’m avoiding my homework) and I was going to make a school calendar. New app that’s easy to use and have it strictly for my school work deadlines. The first app I download wants me to connect to my iOS calendar otherwise it doesn’t work. I delete it and download another one, need to connect to my iOS calendar as well. And I do that 10 god damn times and EVERY. SINGLE. APP. Requires me to connect to my calendar. What’s even the point of downloading another calendar if I have to connect to my old calendar to use it??? I JUST WANT TO PUT MY SCHOOL WORK IN!! Ugh. I hate.


Serving size of a salad I ordered


“Great” week

Got into my first accident yesterday. Other party wanted to offer up $500 for them blowing a stop sign. Then today my back bike tire went out. I am having a real good week.


Just paid $800 for my school "books"! It's loose leaf paper!


I broke a bowl and ordered 3 replacements from the maker. The product image is exactly what I had, but the bowls that showed up aren’t quite the same.
