Why is Nb3 better then trapping the queen ?

I did go into analysis and did click show moves. With Nb3 you simply win the bishop after Qg3, but Nde4 still wins the full queen for bishop (Qxc1 is the best move for black) and a knight. This is the full game https://www.chess.com/live/game/87160226079

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Knight takes on E6 is brilliant move. Can you see why?


I figured after Rxg2 I could take back with the King because of the pin. I guess not?


Can you find the early game mate in 2 I missed?


Sore loser

My stats are on the right, my opponents are on the left. We had a good game that went on for a long time, they resigned a bit early which I was surprised about. I messaged them to say good game and asked why they resigned. They replied ‘Nice engine, so obvious. Enjoy the report’. I made more mistakes & inaccurcies than them and had less best & excellent moves. I’m quite a new player and was hoping the chess world would be more mature/civil than the video game world which Iv come from. My first question is are there many people like this or did I get unlucky? Second question is, will they look at the report and realise I’m not cheating, or do they automatically take action if you receive a certain number or reports? Obviously I wasn’t cheating, and the game was still quite close when they resigned.


r/chess vs. r/chessbeginners. Chessbeginners can start. Top comment in 12 hours decides your nove


Mate in 5, black to play (quite difficult)


Could someone perhaps explain why this was a brilliant move? I don't see it


I thought it was smothered mate


best snipe so far. i love chess
