12 year old male spraying. HELP!

Hi there! Reaching out because I’m starting to get desperate. My male indoor cat (12 years old) has been spraying recently on our shoes, laundry basket, and now the couch outside in the sun room. I’ve caught him backing up onto the wall where our shoes used to be. He has been with me since he was a kitten. We have an 8 month old baby that he seems uninterested in. 2 years ago we had his hyperthyroidism treated with radiation. His blood work since then is normal. So this is clearly a behavioral thing, I’m thinking. We bought a few feliways, they don’t seem to be doing anything. Is it the baby? I clean his litter box every other day. I’m getting to the point of almost being in tears because I can’t stand the smell! It’s embarrassing. Anyone have any advice? Thank you!

Read also:

Does anyone have any recommendations for hairball prevention


How to get a new adoption back in my room?

Hello all. My new cat OJ (short for Orange Julius) is slowly acclimating to my home. I had him shut in my bedroom initially but let him out when he was pawing and crying at the door. How can I get him back into a smaller and less anxiety provoking space liike my bedroom without traumatizing him? He is not doing well with the larger space.


Switching up diet, advice?

Details in comments :]


My poor boy has been squinting out of one eye lately. Is this pink eye?


Inescapable cat harness.

My little boy is a master at escaping the harnesses I use to bring him outside on a leash. Does anyone have any reccomendations for harnesses that are better for a slick cat like mine? I dont want to hear crap about him being outside, i will not rob him of his instincts. The cat and the yard are both treated for fleas and ticks.


Normal Cat eye or possible worm in outer corner?

Wife was sitting in the windowsill with my guy and sent me this pic. Does the outer part of the eye look normal? Indoor only, 19 month Male.


We adopted this little man from animal control. He was in awful shape but in the last year he’s gotten so much better and is doing great! He did come to us with a missing nail. Will this have to be removed or anything?


Are my cats ok in hot weather?

I have 2 indoor cats both around 1 year old and about 2 days ago the ac stopped working (should be getting fixed soon, I live with my parents and my dad had some guy look at it yesterday). I live in Texas where it’s been almost 100 degrees everyday outside so my house is verryyy hot right now. My cats seem to be behaving normally but not as playful and I worry the heat could be making them feel uncomfortable or even hurt their health. I was wondering if there’s anything I can do to help them cool off? I’ve been giving them a lot of fresh cool water, having to refill their small bowl multiple times a day. Thanks for any help ☺️ (picture is them pre-broken ac lol)


Cat puke help

Hey there folks I have a cat named spooky who has been throwing up since she was a kitten - not anything alarming she seems to just eat too much for the first meal of the day then throws up. My big question is does anyone have any experience with these kinds of issues? I have tried different foods , puzzle feeders , feeding schedules , feeder elevations and nothing seems to help. I don’t think it’s causing her any pain or anything but I’d just like to prevent her from puking if possible


swollen and red skin around claw

I noticed this morning the skin around one of my cats claws was extremely red and swollen. I attempted to dampen it with a warm washcloth and try to get some of the dirt/litter debris stuck in there but he seemed to be in too much pain for me to continue. He is walking on it fine and it doesn’t seem to be bothering him too much, he licks at it every so often but nothing more than that. All of his other claws are fine. Could this be an infection or just irritation? He’s 3, an indoor cat and perfectly healthy otherwise. I’m not sure if this is something I should schedule a vet visit for or not. I’ve had cats my whole life but have never had any health issues regarding their claws. Any advice is appreciated! I don’t want to see him in any kind of pain but I’m not sure if it just needs to run it’s course like an irritated finger cuticle.
