Not mine

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Caught a two-for-one moment in the wild: taking up two spaces and didn’t put the cart back


I eat ass

Just wow.


Zoom tan, cmon guys


Does this count as trashy?


Kanye’s wife going down while in Italy


Legionary’s mask, found in the town of Kalkriese (Germany), the alleged site of the battle in the Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE, which took place between Germanic tribes led by Arminius and Roman legions led by Varus. [800x683]


Juglet, with a figure of a monkey covering its eyes. Nahariya, Middle Bronze Age, 19th–17th c. BCE. Israel museum, nr. 1954-126 [1488 x 1462]


A portrait of a woman from the House with the Garden, in Pompeii, which likely depicts the domina of the house. Discovered in 2018, Italy, 1st century BCE [1892x1925]


The Tomb of the Pancratii is a Roman tomb, dated to the reign of Hadrian (117–138 CE), that is found along a short stretch of the Via Latina, an ancient Roman road close to Rome. The tomb contains extraordinary examples of stucco work and frescoes [800x989]


Pages from Histoire de ma vie (History of My Life), which is both the memoir and autobiography of the famous 18th-century Italian adventurer Giacomo Casanova. In 2010, the National Library of France purchased the 3,700-page manuscript of Histoire de ma vie for approximately €7 million [1439x1152]
