Best way to watch (UK)

I've never seen B:tas and want to give it a go, but in the UK it seems its not on any streaming services, each season costs around £15 - £20 and a blue Ray box set is around £50. I know the show is supposedly the highest quality batman media to most people, but for a almost 30 year old show I don't know if I can justify £50. Any advice?

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My own costume design for a cinematic Joker

Makeup doesn’t include prosthetics, actor has a naturally large mouth, but is almost perpetually locked in a grin. His chemical accident caused a skin condition similar to albinism, removing nearly all pigmentation, but darkening his veins and blood vessels so they are slightly visible through the skin. Hair is green, of course, maybe some brown undertones. Medium length, neatly styled. I’m mot sure who I would cast, I’d like to stay away from the cliche fan casts, Willem Dafoe, David Tennant, etc. Preferably an unknown actor. Early to mid thirties. Ideally a Kilgrave-esque type, but with manic outbursts. Really explores the abusive manipulative characteristics of the Joker rather than the overplayed psychoticness. He’s insane, yes, but not superficially. Short tempered but still humorous. Does not let his goons forget who’s in charge. Needs to command the space he occupies.


When your phone tells you your battery is low


Sorry for the ignorance but I never understood the age difference between Nightwing and batgirl


This is the same guy who gave us Zodiac Riddler after all


A bit of fan fic i wrote some months back, thoughts?


Who's the most underrated Batman villain?

For me it's gotta be baby doll, in general I'd say Clayface is underused, he's very fun and tbh I like how he's basically a actor that just was turned into a monster who can shape shift into anything he wants


Hero, or villain?

Ok so one thing I'm wondering is what do you guys personally feel Harley should be? Imo I prefer her as a anti hero who's mainly a antagonist (like Deathstroke) rather than a full on hero like she's often portrayed as nowadays, while I do feel she works as a hero it's not anywhere near as in character for hee


Saw this on my way to work

What is this quirky little cube on wheels?
