In the alternate timeline's National Treasure (2004) Benjamin Franklin Gates tries to steal the presidency

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The best part of Jack Reacher was when Jack said "IT'S JACKIN' TIME", and jacked off over all those guys


The ‘trash’ in the trash compactor scene of Star Wars (1977) is not actually trash, but Lucasfilm’s announced but unproduced Star Wars projects.


In The Dark Knight, the name tag on The Joker's nurse uniform is Matilda, which is such a stupid fucking name


Jared Hess Has a 'Fantastic' Cut of 'Napoleon Dynamite' That's 4.5 Hours Long and Features Way More Rex Kwon Do


4th wall breaking was invented in the Shining (198 when the actor John Nicholson broke through a door and said, “It is me, Johnny”. Director Kubrick liked this gag so much, that at that moment he decided that after the filming was done, he was not going to bury Shelley Duvall alive.


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One (201 is a camp classic.


In Age of Ultron (2015), Cap says "If you get hurt, hurt them back. If you get killed... Walk it off". During this speech it cuts to Quicksilver, who was killed but unable to walk it off.


Charly (1968) The title character is unable to retain his medically induced intelligence. Is he stupid, then smart, then stupid again?


Man on the Moon (1999) is widely regarded as Hollywood's least accurate depiction of the Apollo 11 mission


In Hannibal (2013), in a shocking twist, Hannibal is revealed to be a bad guy as when feeding a child a piece of human brain he neither seeks parental consent nor enquires about possible allergens.
