Make it stop D':

I feel so g d sick guys be careful out there. It's on the rise

Read also:

My Reece's mini cups fused together in the freezer...


📣💔🆘📲 seeking information on snoop apps— need the truth? 😫😭

⚠️🆘🔍📲 So I am in a relationship with a guy who I do not feel I can trust… been many occasions in which I have excused signs and repeated red flags blatantly in front of me, and I either ignored them, fell for manipulation, or maybe it’s my PTSD when I am triggered…This is the worst kind of pain— when you find out everything you hoped for was an illusion and tarnishes your view of them. I’m not entirely sure if I am hoping to find something concrete enough to part ways, or if need a reason to leave 💔😭🙏🏼


Imagine missing a giant comet to a house blocking your view

That thing needs to be demolished as fucking soon as possible before 2025


Caught Covid-19 after I went on a trip with my family and friends to celebrate my 18th birthday


After three months and a tetanus shot my fingernail is almost back to normal

Accidentally shoved a sharp object under my nail fold back in june. It's finally starting to look better.


RIP Skippy. Side note: well tenderised Kangaroo steaks for sale


Got shingles for my 37th birthday


Not only did I wash my dishes, I also washed a cockroach


What’s this red car?


Spotted in NYC.
