found this guy on the ceiling right above my head when i woke up. friend?

in seattle, WA

Read also:

Are these cockroaches? Found in Spain, Valencia

Sorry for the blurry pic, my camera couldn't focus


Marbella Spain


What is this vile thing.

I saw this as I was pouring my friend a glass of water. Not sure it came from the glass or the brita filter, but I just want to know how bad this is.


There’s a ton of them covering my work, when it flies it has two sets of wings like a dragon fly. What is it we’re all at a loss?


What type of spidey is this guy


can anyone tell me what type of bug this is?? I just found it in my room mid huge-cleaning and it scared the everliving shit out of me.

I don't want to kill it but I also had to zoom in on my camera because like HELL I'd actually get close to that thing, any answers will help, tyyy!!!


Is this what I think it is?


Found in my cooler

A cool looking yellow spider. Anyone know what it is?


Brown mantis chilling outside my work, never seen a brown one before- what kind is it? Reno, NV


Living an anime
