A $4 bar of soap

Read also:

who doesn’t love younger siblings


Six years of college for this?


First night sleeping in a car because of trying to get away from an abusive spouse whose family is all Catholic and the word “Divorce” is taboo - so even though they could easily help me, they refuse to, and now ignore me when I reach out. Camping out in the car it is!


Fair Ground Flags


The cost of a burger in New England.


The price to change my birthday before my flight after I noticed I made a typo.


It easy until the app doesn't work for two weeks.

Context. My online banking app suddenly doesn't work for about two weeks, for some unexplained reason. I can still access my account through a website with a browser. But I can't do any transaction because I can't receive the TAC verification because the app doesn't work. It used to be send via phone massage. But after reinstalling the app and land on the screen. I can't opt-out from receiving TAC via the app.


My Shitty Neighbor that's written 3 notes on my car for parking in front of her house (on a public street) blocked a spot with a cone.


The nerve of this Fly to land on the only flyswatter in the bathroom....

Yupp in the Bathroom...


USPS website shipping order changes every time I use it
