Papa knows where his kiddies are hanging out at after school, and I’m sure he keeps a watchful eye.

Read also:

Ah yes, unemployment is high for a “good reason”. Well not really, we’ll need to end student loan moratorium and force everybody back to work to drive up labor demand. All good here. NOW GET BACK TO WORK! please.

And I left the ad headline, “Strange Pattern Coming to Wall Street”. Can’t make this shit up!


Another day of trading sideways


We still out here… 🙌🏼💎


A frequent customer took time out of their day to draw this for me when I worked in retail. The moments of customers actually being nice is incredibly small. I will remember this!

It seems I cannot post the artist's name, since it is against the TOS We called him Jesus man because he would come in and get religious photos printed out that he drew himself. He would visit hospitals or people on Facebook would contact him for his work. His son died, however within his death, he found God. He never charged anybody for his drawings. When they would try to pay him he would just say, to buy him art supplies instead. After all of these years, I got this in 2013, I wonder how he is doing.


I have a PhD.


Can't have a sad trash can....


(OC) I found this old photo of myself and made me smile !


Always a treat to meet a wholesome fan


My sweet boy just crossed the rainbow bridge. I hope his smile can make someone's day


What the hell, Disney?
