Redbull are extremely quick through the last corner +18kph on Sainz. Perez and Verstappen gain 1and a half tenths on Sainz just through this corner.

(Data from f1-tempo)

Read also:

Monza looks empty without fluffy trees


Max Verstappen phone background Monza 2023


2023 Italian Grand Prix - Global Qualifying Start Times


Declassified documents

So I'm going down the ufo/uap rabbit hole right now and I'm currently pouring iver some military documents they released, the ones surrounding the one in the image above were about how General Moore (I don't know any of these peoples fist names) instructed colonel Harris to not release anything concerning ufo sightings to anybody but the then Intelligence Department. I just wanna be able to read this page and was wondering if anyone knew of anyways to touch it up and make it legible. Anything and everything would help, thank you!


This scene from the movie signs.

SFC Cunningham: It's called "probing". It's a military procedure. You send in a reconnaissance group, very small... to check things out. Not to engage, but to evaluate the situation... evaluate the level of danger. Make sure things are all clear. - Merrill Hess: Clear for what? - SFC Cunningham: For the rest of them. This scene from the movie SIGNS just seems so eerily similar to what is happening around the world today.


Has anyone seen this or heard any info about it? Near a river in Bolivia


After hearing about this for "forever", pre-order period is finally over.

What are your through on Avi Loeb?


Is this a ufo?

My staff showed me this photo from 5 years ago. She didn’t notice the aircraft while taking the photo. It wasn’t until she looked at her phone afterward that she noticed the aircraft. Thoughts?


Reposting my encounter in response to transparent "alien" being seen in Bolivia recently. The being I encountered was also transparent, but much taller.

This is a repost and a sketch I made of from a story I shared in this sub over a year ago. Decided to repost after seeing story of alleged transparent being sighted in Bolivia. Many details and new info have come up since originally posting my story but I'm just reposting the original text. [Feel free to post questions if you'd like more details.] 13 years ago, I was spending the night at my best friend's place when around 4 am I heard what sounded like an airplane flying over the neighborhood. I didn't pay it much mind at all until the sound failed to fade away after it seemed to be passing over the house. It got louder and louder as if it was diving straight for the roof. I honestly believed what was happening was that through some stroke of horrible misfortune, an airplane was going to crash right onto us. The sound didn't last long but it felt like forever. I froze and figured I couldn't outrun it so I'd resigned myself to the idea that we were going to die right there I guess. My friend didn't wake up right away, she was knocked out, until I nudged her but by that point the sound had abruptly stopped. Nothing impacted the roof and everything was dead silent. She looked at me all groggy and pissed off as to why I'd woken her up until we started hearing a serious of digital beeps that seemed to be surrounding us, but we saw nothing. At some point I looked towards the bedroom window and saw this really strange being standing there. It must have been at least 7 ft tall, and it looked really freaking evil or angry, I'm not sure. We ran out of the room but nothing else seemed to happen for a while so we chose to stay in the living room, the sun had risen by this point. Afterwards when we'd pretty much started to calm down we saw multiple faces identical to the being's somehow imprinted into the fabric of one of the couches. Their mouths were wide open, as if yelling at us or screaming in general. That was the last thing that happened. We didn't sleep for weeks after that and didn't tell people in fear of ridicule... but now I've decided posted this here anyway. (SN: Also, since I left this detail out earlier, though the image I drew looks like the quintessential "grey" alien, what I saw wasn't grey. I couldn't see any color. The only way I can describe it is transparent perhaps? All of the features included in the sketch I could see perfectly, but I could also mostly see through it. I've heard all kinds of theories from them being other dimensional, that it was a probably a spirit, to them "being us from the future" 👀... but like I said, I know nothing. 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Possible Alien sightings facial structure comparison
