Some mushrooms I came across yesterday in the woods of northern Wisconsin

Read also:

There’s magic all around you!


Northern New Jersey. Scaly caps?


Can anyone tell me what kind of mushroom this is? My dad wants to know if it’s edible. Central Louisiana, USA.


Please help my identify this mushroom 🍄 location SW FL.

Is this bad for my lemon tree??! And what should I do?!


Is this chicken of the woods?

Found this in my neighbors front yard. We’re cordial so my neighbor would probably let me take it but it’s only 10ft from the road or so.


What is this? Toddler may have put it in her mouth on playground. Located in Maine


What are these?

Indoor cannabis farm, 10 gallon pots We use a powdered blend of fungi and bacteria as a Bio-fertilizer (does not list specific species on the package) in our coco coir/potting soil medium and it seems like only these guys pop up out of the pots.


What is this growing in my house?

I'm renting house in Southern California and just noticed this growing right next to the central heat/AC intake. Is this dangerous to my family and pets? Is it indicative of greater issues like water damage to the house?


Growing in our basement. I‘m sure I don‘t even want to know … how bad is it?


Took my first spore print (it wasn't that good lol)
