Stock Market Recap for Friday. September 1, 2023

Read also:

President Thomas Jefferson on Banks and Financial Institutions


$1 from the year 1800 is worth $0.04 today due to inflation but is worth $2.3 million if left to grow in the Stock Market


Crazy to think people are OK with 8% mortgages


Would you buy a home with an 8% mortgage when interest rates were only 2% in 2021?


I would watch 1000 episodes of these guys just doing random bounties on random planets with no big story arc or tie in to main Skywalker universe.


I was explaining to my partner Boba Fett and his origins and they dubbed him ‘Jango Unchanged’


If you could combine two forms, what would you mix

Sort of pick two that would compliment each other to make a hybridised form. I would mix makasi and niman, as niman has the strengths of all the forms 1 to 5 (exept 2). And by adding 2 in if would complete the form into a more precise and neaten version of niman.


This guy was a bigot, just because you hang out at Mos Isley doesn’t mean you’re “scum” or “villainous”.


How much time do you think Darth Maul would need to spend in a dentist and what do you think he would need to have done to his teeth?

Probably a lot of flossing, fillings, braces, and brushing his teeth every two hours.


Hot Take, Inquisitor Barriss would have been a way more interesting villain for Kenobi than Reva, with a lot more stakes and history.
